In the summer 2021 conference season, BISKIT consortium partners from the WWU Münster and TU Darmstadt published their current state in the development of a simulation-based optimization toolkit for the evaluation of crisis management policies in the blood supply chain at multiple events. At the 2021 meeting of “The European Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services” (ORAHS), Dennis Horstkemper and Melanie Reuter-Oppermann led a discussion session, in which the utility of digital innovations for the blood supply chain was discussed with domain experts from all over the world. In a follow-up presentation, Dennis Horstkemper also presented the implementation details and application areas of the extended HumLogSim toolkit at the “Euro 2021 Hybrid Conference” in Athens, Greece. Finally, he also presented a concrete application case implemented into this simulation toolkit – the evaluation of a demand-specific allocation of mobile blood donation facilities in the time of crisis – during the biggest European Simulation conference, the ASIM (Fachtagung für Simulation in Produktion und Logistik) 2021 in Erlangen, Germany.